Hey, kudos!
You don't run arbitrary scripts either!

My apologies for the JS on this pageā€¦
it's prettify.js for syntax highlighting
in code blocks. I've added one line of
CSS for you; the rest of this site
should work fine.

      ♥Ⓐ isis


Other articles

  1. Graceless: A Journal of the Radical Gothic

    []I’m very proud (and very late, due to security issues) to announce that the first issue of Graceless has been released. We are an international collective producing a printed and online journal of the radical gothic. Printed copies are available here, or if you know me IRL you can just ask me for a copy on the cheap. Or, as cheap as it gets, you can download the online version here. Also, I will be tabling copies at the 2011 San Francisco Anarchist Bookfair.

    []: http://www.patternsinthevoid.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/graceless1-cover-240x300.jpg

    read more

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