Hey, kudos!
You don't run arbitrary scripts either!

My apologies for the JS on this page…
it's prettify.js for syntax highlighting
in code blocks. I've added one line of
CSS for you; the rest of this site
should work fine.

      ♥Ⓐ isis


Other articles

  1. Basic Digital Security

    []Working off of a series of workshop that friends and I have done for various activist groups to teach basic digital security, I’ve begun to put up pages outlining the steps taken in these workshops.

    As of right now, the basic security tutorials for Windows and Linux are done, and Mac users could probably follow along and just look up the software and configurations for OSX. I’ll get the Mac page done as soon as possible, and I’ll probably have a chance to work on the advanced security pages after Defcon.

    And thanks again to everyone who has worked with me, everyone who has contributed to educating other activists on security issues, and all the activists out there risking their health, safety, and happiness to make the world better.

    Have fun, everyone, and be safe(r).

    []: http://www.patternsinthevoid.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Hacker_Emblem.png

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