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You don't run arbitrary scripts either!

My apologies for the JS on this page…
it's prettify.js for syntax highlighting
in code blocks. I've added one line of
CSS for you; the rest of this site
should work fine.

      ♥Ⓐ isis


Other articles

  1. Mutatus Nomen Iterum

    Since I believe in changing my name whenever I feel like it, I’m doing so again. From here until I decide to do so yet again, my name is isis agora lovecruft. (In order to pay homage to H.P. Lovecraft, Ada Lovelace, Agorism, and the really deep-down OCD-ish satisfaction that I get from syllable repetition.) Oh, and “cruft” is h4x0r jargon for “extraneous bullshit”.

    Also, because I’m not really writing about anything that matters, and I haven’t gotten a chance to say this yet: Janelle Monae is my hero. I don’t normally listen to pop, but the “Many Moons” music video caught and kept my rapt attention. I’m not going to get all into analysing it, but Monae manages to combine critiques of gender politics, race/class relations, and state capitalism, with an aesthetic sense that could actually be called cool, and, not to mention, hotter feet than Michael Jackson on speed. Oh, and, as if this video weren’t awesome already, Janelle also included gender bending (check out that handsome tux), nods to classic science fiction, and the theme of android/cyborg rights. Fuck yeah!

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  2. Defcon Report Back, Part III

    Sunday 7th August, 2011, Defcon 19, Las Vegas

    Whitfield Diffie & Moxie Marlinspike

    It was nice to hear my friend Moxie talk with another admirable cryptographer, Whitfield Diffie, a la Diffie-Hellman key exchange. I hope, if Mr. Diffie should happen to read this, that he shall excuse my link to RSA laboratories. However, it was regrettable to have so many time burglars during the Q&A pretending to ask questions while actually egotistically talking about obscure research they once did, or posing artificial problems for Moxie’s Covergence project (a P2P replacement for the current Certificate Authority structure, the former of which bears similarities to the PGP/GPG web-of-trust structure). Commenting on his project, at one point, Moxie said, “I believe that Certificate Authorities and politicians are incredibly similar. That is, I believe that trust in either should expire and and be replaced on a second-to-second basis.” Oh, Moxie. I think you just made every other crypto-anarchist on the planet fall in love with you. ♥Ⓐ

    Cipherspaces & Darknets

    Adrian “Irongeek” Crenshaw‘s talk, “Cipherspaces/Darknets: An Overview of Attack Strategies“, was incredibly basic. I was disappointed to waste my hour listening to essentially the exact same talk I gave at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, on anonymity networks. Snore. I did learn one new thing, namely that Firefox can be configured to mitigate DNS leakage while using Tor by going into the about:config and setting network.proxy.socks_remote_dns to true.

    Cryptographic Oracles

    Daniel Crowley gave a talking on defeating various cryptographic schemes using oracles. Crowley, who is adorable and has an excellent surname, gave a brief overview of cryptographic terms and ideas, and then delved into encryption and decryption oracles. An oracle is essentially any data which is leaked from a cryptographic scheme. So, for example, if I send multiple queries to a database which uses encryption, I can get a good idea of how that encryption is occurring based on the server’s responses to manipulated queries such as “aaaa” “aaaabbbbaaaabbbb” “ababab” etc. At one point during Crowley’s demo, which sadly didn’t work as expected, Crowley was using the encrypted data from a cookie to make SQL injections on a website’s encrypted database. The attack was supposed to result in a page which read “I have a crush on Moxie Marlinspike…shh!” but, again, it didn’t work during the live demo. As I said earlier, Moxie, every crypto-anarchist and cipherpunk on the planet is in love with you.

    The next talk was on the use of PLCs in the prison system. I’m going to devote an entire post to discussing this, later, when I’m already in a bad mood, because that talk made me sick to my stomach with some of the things I realized. And the presenters’ compliance with government agencies and sociopathic lust to put other human’s in cages was absolutely disgusting. Fuck them.

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  3. Because It’s Not The ‘90s Anymore


    Scan the barcode for my contact information.

    Setting up mass anonymous accounts which all reference each other for verification is fun! Especially the part about getting the SIP account to forward to a PSTN number to set up a Google Voice account. And I didn’t have to spend a dime — take that, The Man!

    EDIT: I don’t use most of these accounts, and some I have purposefully shut down. Email is where it’s at.

    []: http://www.patternsinthevoid.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/isis agora lovecruft_qr_code.php_1-300x300.png “isis agora lovecruft_qr_code.php” [![][]]: http://www.patternsinthevoid.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/isis agora lovecruft_qr_code.php_1.png

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